Cancer spreads like this in the body, these are the major symptoms

Cancer spreads like this in the body, these are the major symptoms

Cancer spreads from one part of the body to the other. Cancer in any part of the body is called primary tumor. Cancer is such a dangerous disease, causing cells from any part of the body to be divided randomly. Cancer spreads from one part of the body to the other. The tumor in the other parts of the body is called metastatic or secondary cancer.

What is Metastatic Cancer?

The cells of metastatic cancer are similar to primary cancer. The term metastatic cancer is used for solid tumors, which has spread to other parts of the body.

These are the 4 main states of cancer


In the first and second stage the cancerous tumor is small and does not spread in the depth of surrounding tissues.

In the third stage the cancer has developed. The tumor is grown and the possibility of spreading in its other organs increases.

The fourth stage is the last stage of cancer. In this, cancer spreads from other parts to its organs. It is called development or metastatic cancer.


How does cancer spread?


Cancer spreads in the body in three ways. Direct extension or invasion, in which the primary tumor spreads to adjacent organs and tissues. For example, prostate cancer reaches the bladder.


In the lymphatic system, cancer cells break down from primary tumors and move to other parts of the body. The lymphatic system is a group of tissues and organs that store and store cells to fight infection and diseases.


Cancer also spreads through blood. It is called hematogene spread, in which cancer cells break into the blood by the primary tumor, and with blood, reach the other parts of the body.


These are signs of cancer

Common symptoms of cancer are weight loss, fever, loss of appetite, bone pain, cough or mouth clotting. If any person has these symptoms, he should contact the doctor immediately.